The Importance of Supervising Children’s Gadget Use
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BORNEONEWS, Palangka Raya – To prevent children from becoming addicted or dependent on gadgets or smart phones, member of Commission IV DPRD of Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng) Rizki Amalia Darwan Ali conveyed the importance of parents carrying out supervision.
According to him, the use of gadgets among children has pluses and minuses or negative and positive sides.
On the positive side, children become technologically literate and not technologically illiterate, and can learn easily on gadgets by using YouTube video sources or articles on Wikipedia.
“The negative thing is that children play online games, and quite a few children even get harsh words from playing online games with strangers,” he said, Monday, September 18 2023.
Furthermore, this heroine from the National Mandate Party (PAN) revealed that excessive use of gadgets can also have an impact on reducing social interaction between people.